Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bitterness Warning HIGH!!! Don't read if you can't handle honesty

So many years ago, when I was in a better financial situation than today, someone who I have been friends with since early childhood was in a very tough spot. She was faced with loosing her home to foreclosure. Against my attorney's suggestion, I loaned her over 20K, yep, 20K. It kept her kids in their home, and she promised to pay it back within 3 years.

5 years later, she had a new car, new carpeting, a running pool , an entire new wardrobe and new furniture, actively donated to causes that gave her good exposure and I had nothing. I had heard rumors from other people that she was shady when it came to money, stories of stiffed carpet companies, and questions about her integrity in caring for a family member. But I lead with the heart and I believed her when she talked about how important our friendship was.
My friends were furious at me for being a patsy. I made as many excuses for her as she did at  times. While she took her kids out for dinner, bought ball gowns, sent out the Christmas photo cards each year, she gave me zip. She started paying, a little , sometimes, when she felt like it. But by then I had had enough. I needed to look at the patterns of picking people who were abusive, and not speaking up until the relationship was too far gone. I had to severe all ties to get any kind of regular payment, and even that, after having the numbers run, was equating to $15 per month off of principle.
God do I feel like an idiot.

Fast forward a year, roughly  $170 from the original loan has been payed back. Her current arrangement ( that she is willing to do) is $35 per week, except when it doesn't come in each week. Like it hasn't for the past 5 weeks. She is full of excuses and not "understanding" how it keeps happening. I don't know, but she was the person who turned me on to on-line banking 8 years ago. I have never had the type of issues she has been having with her bank. Oh yeah, except it's my bank too, sooooo

So tonight, after once again getting no money from her, when she texted me that she ran into my children out having dinner, and I didn't take well to her complimenting how good they look, ( I need money from her, not her opinion of my children's good looks) I was told I was "bitter."

I'm working two jobs & on weekends because she has not paid me back, yeah I am bitter. If I had that money, I would not be bitter. I would not ever be friends with her again, as she is unscrupulous, selfish, dishonest and lacks integrity. Oh but she doesn't want me questioning her decisions, or lack of commitment to repaying the loan,  that kind of stuff cause it makes her feel bad.
The last thing you want to do to a person who takes advantage of a friendship, and does not honor their responsibilities is make them feel bad about themselves.
Yes it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth:
So I googled it :
A lack of, or change in, taste often occurs when something interferes with the normal taste process.

The wonderful woman I wrote about it my last blog once said "No good deed goes unpunished" How right she was.

Monday, May 21, 2012

There's another star in the sky tonight

One of the ten most important women in my life passed away. She suffered for a long time, and lived a long full life, yet I ache.

I was told about her before I met her. I was told, " If you want to be a great therapist, you go to Southern." Tales of the tough, no nonsense program director spread like any good gossip, and created a charged atmosphere that I am pretty sure she enjoyed. I was 22 when I went for the interview, with her grad assistant, not with her, but she had to maneuver around the chair near the grad assistant's desk where I was. After the third maneuver, she looked at me and said, "You are in my way!" I was shocked, (it was their set up) and amused, and scared. I am pretty sure I spent the next four years, as my respect and admiration for her grew, vacillating between those emotions.
 Barbara sparkled. When she was pleased or excited, like if someone replenished the fireballs, she sparkled. When you "got" a concept you had struggled with, she sparkled, or she walked away to let you absorb it without your ego needing her admiration.

She challenged me, she spoke the truth. She supported me. She showed me options I did not know existed. She taught me a math game to help keep minds sharp, and was hers ever! She was funny. She delighted me with stories of child rearing, I felt like I had a glimpse of Divine getting to listen to her. She cared about people, and worked for the children, and the children's children.

I remember after one of my last one way mirror sessions ( I'm the therapist with the couple on one side, a group of students & Barbara on the other), we would follow up with brief supervision meetings. I was nervous, as I always was with Barbara behind the one way, she could require you to justify why you did anything you did in session. She walked away & said, " I have nothing to say." I was confused, oh yeah, I spent a good deal of time confused, just one of many spots on the road to growth. Pats on the back were not handed out, but not needing to go over a session, that was about as good as it got, (I was told by a more experienced student.) I had spent four years challenged, confronted, supported and respected. & I had the time of my life.
After I graduated, I was able  to have Barbara continue to supervise me. It was such a blessing. She was this first person I told I was pregnant, and the one I told about my ambivalence of being pregnant.  She responded," I expect nothing but complete honesty from you, you are incapable of anything else. Most women would not want to admit that." And after 28 years of being told I was supposed to be " Nice" Barbara, indirectly,  helped me find my inner bitch, and assured me every woman should have control over hers as a very necessary part of oneself. She met my boys, I know they will never remember, I wanted her to see them. And them to be near the woman who made me a better mother than I could have ever hoped to be without knowing her.
After I stopped working I kept in touch via Christmas cards & emails. And a yearly thank you note I would send after I attended yet another conference that taught me just how much she already taught me. She was always there when I needed words of wisdom, support or  a reality check. She seemed to always be there at challenging times of my life. She read a tribute I wrote about my grandmother after she passed away, and said, she can only hope someone would have such wonderful things to say about her at her time. I can't hope to effect the thousand's of people Barbara's life effected, but I will try for hundreds, in her honor.
And last Thursday, when my 8 am client said about a challenging conversation, " & I heard your voice in my head". I smile knowingly. I am blessed to have Barbara's voice in my head, I hope to have a spec of her wisdom in my brain, and a portion of her ability to love in my heart. And when I am feeling a little sloppy as therapist, I pretend I have to justify my every move to her, and she makes me a better person.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Calling Red Tenters

I know a lot of you read this, but don't follow it or comment on it. Good thing there is a counter & I know close to 8000 reader's have checked out what I write. My brother's would assume I keep reading myself over & over again to drive up the numbers. But I know you are out there, so I  am looking for help, and it was too much to put in a comment on Facebook.
A dear friend of mine, after 18 years of raising her son, told me , upon the moment of release at college, "I had nothing, 18 years of raising him; this is the moment, sending him off to the world, & I was blank. So I hugged him and said, "Be good". " BE GOOD! that's all I could come up with. Then I cried the whole way home."
Ice ran through my veins. I've already imagined Nick driving and Michael keeping me in constant supply of puffs as we drive back from the drop off, but I hadn't considered the " MOMENT". I don't have a lot of Momisms for the kids to live by. There's not gonna be " My momma always said.." except for a favorite spanish idiom that the kids swear does not mean what I told them it meant. " Aunque le mone se vista de seda, mona se queda". It is a huge stress reliever when said with real emotion, even if it means nothing.
I decided I am going to prepare. I am going to give that highly charged emotional moment its proper due.So I am going to thank him for the ride. And I have decided there's not just one comment I can leave him with, so I am making a full calendar for him. If your mom or dad gave you a gem of wisdom, please leave the comment for me, I plan on filling everyday in his freshman year.

Jane's been sending me some. Please add your thoughts!