So we went out last night. I will admit I am not much for the bar scene. My feet hurt from the shoes, you cannot actually hear what anyone is saying, and I am way to practical to blow ten bucks on one drink.But I do like to dance, so we went out last night and wow...
I was deep into a conversation with a female acquaintance when a strapping young man placed his elbows on the chairs we were both sitting on and asked for permission to ( and I quote) " Hit on us". Points obviously for honesty and frankness. Amused I granted him permission to " Give us your best shot" He countered with " I am 6 feet tall and a lawyer". Not a bad opening, if you are into tall, successful men.
When I asked him what possessed him to interrupt what was clearly an intense conversation ( I know it sounds rude, he didn't get it) His response was merely, "I think you are attractive." OK. Then he told me he'd been practicing law for one year. ONE YEAR. making him ??25? 26?
After that, it kind of went down hill.. I found out he lives in my town ( small world) and I was afraid to ask anymore as I felt it there was a good possibility he still lived with his mom and dad. After he declared his work life as off limits, claiming it is way too boring to talk about ( Tax attorney) and apparently unaware that he too could ask some questions he just kind of sauntered away. He was yummy though, in a Lifetime Movie outdoorsy brilliant kind of way.
We met up again on the dance floor. Michael Jackson's "Thriller" was on. He stopped short of declaring I should know all the moves since it came out, in " my time" He did stop short of saying that, but just short of saying it, as in..." How do you not know all the moves wasn't this ...." If he wasn't so damn tall I would have put him over me knee.
My friend & I, on the way home disagreed about what name we thought he told us. So this morning when she looked up on the MLS an Ed or Kenny buying a house 7 months ago in our town, she came up empty. Maybe we should have gotten his dad's name.
P.S. I put the shoes on half an hour before we went out. They hurt too much.
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