7 am - see first client
8 am - make N breakfast drive to NYA for 9 am game
9 am- second client
10 am - wake other two, feed and drive to NYA for work outs
spend next 90 minutes running errands in car
12:00- pick up freshly sweating teens and take to posh Panara eatery while they fight the whole way there, getting #3 so upset he refuses to come in to eat with us until I tempt him with some mac & cheese lunch.
12:45 return home- throw laundry in
want desperately to lie down to sleep...
1:45 bring only gainfully employed child to job, pay a ridiculous amount of money to fill up the car with gas and return home
2:30...sneak in a little nap while #3 excitedly writes master piece story of an epic battle between pens & pencils.
4 pm... pick up gainfully employed child who asks to be returned to NYA to hang out with his crew, and asks for some money for food, while he tucks his earnings in the glove box.
Drop irresistibly brilliant child off at NYA -return home. Help #3 edit his masterpiece ( me help edit, now that's funny)
Start dinner for other children and field a request from #2 about dropping him off in SANDY HOOK ( might as well be Cape Cod) at 10 pm that evening after his buddy is done with his sporting events. I think I started to cry.
5:10- NYA- pick up #1 bring him to Middle School for his next game.
6:30 #1's friends have shown up at NMS, discusses evening plans. They are sleeping somewhere, maybe going to a movie.( Quite loosey goosey for young men without licenses). Bring #1 home for shower & nutritious dinner of 2 PB&J's - found out #2 is content to stay in for the evening with neighborhood friend ( yeah for neighborhoods!)
7:15 back to NYA so can catch up with his crew, who have yet to decide where they will be laying down their heads.
8 pm- pellet stove empty, only place to get pellets is over-priced local grocery store. While out I contact #1, who has now ascertained a sleeping dwelling, and better yet, one he is willing to walk to. A big part of me said, "Go pick up those boys, it's a busy road, and they are not wearing proper reflective clothing".
I told her to "just shut up" and went home.
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