Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Must have done something good

I've been sick, have basically not left my bed since Saturday at 6 pm. What started as a sore throat ended up kicking my butt with body aches, congestion, dizziness and just general bluk, blah and other details not needed to share.
I don't get sick, well rarely, and when I do, I do not stay in bed, But I cancelled ten clients on Monday, so that shows how badly I felt. I'm not writing this to complain, but to celebrate my boys,
As the curmogenly adolescent angst is a constant present in my home. It is very nice to experience what I hope is the men they are becoming.
Michael stopped on a dine every time I texted him with " let dogs out/ in" " Puffs please"  " I need an ice pack" Can you put socks on my feet" He never complained, he kept his distance, but was Johnny on the spot when I asked for something. Even tried to turn that sock thing into a tickling situation, which was not well timed.

Alex was up at Uconn checking out that possibility. Nick was at a sleep over but I texted him when I woke up Sunday morning and realized I could not get out of bed. He came home immediately to check on me then went back out to CVS to tell the pharmacist my symptoms and get their recommendations for my medications. He brought them back to me and sat with me all day, while I slept fitfully on and off. Whenever I woke up, he was sitting there next to me, when he didn't have his own life to take care of. Right up to 8 o'clock when he normally goes in to bed. He texted with Adele expressing concern over my lack of appetite, and the calvary arrived with more food and drink than i could eat in a week. Nick stopped by again last night before going out on a date to check on me again, and just hung out with me for 15 minutes.
Alex checked in and asked if there was anything he could do for me, and Jane held me accountable for going to the dr and gave me things I need to be doing.

So even during moments of yuck, bluk and grosseess. Life is good.

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