Friday, June 24, 2011

Answering questions

I have had several inquiries as to why the Roches were absent from Newtown Middle School's 8th grade graduation at the O'Neill Center at WCSU. Most importantly, Nick had no interest in going. Had he, we would have been there with bells on and cameras flashing.

SOAPBOX WARNING: I am getting up on it, find something else to do if you don't want to hear it.

We have been, for years in this town crying about the budget. Threats of 28 student classroom sizes, loss of EA's, loss of sports programming. and yet year after year we spring to rent out WCSU for children who are legally required to do what they are doing, and for the most part will see each other in two short months.  It boggles my mind. We have stupidly, in my opinion, made our most vulnerable population, ( these same middle schoolers) get up as early as the high schoolers, ride the same buses, we release hordes of them into the streets and stores of Newtown at 2 in the afternoon (well that is only if you are walking, if your parent is there to pick you up, you are released in groups of 6 for your own safety) ( REALLY???) cause you have 7 hours before bedtime and mom & dad may not be home till 6 and they don't want you hanging out at home alone for three+ hours ( wisely). We have created problems for our commercial tax payers all in the name of saving money in the education budget, and yet we still do the FLUFF that is 8th grade graduation.
I don't know about you, but when times get tough financially around my house, fluff is the first thing that goes. Get rid of the extra car, no dinners out, no more Broadway shows, coupon cutting , unplug items when not in use, keep the thermostat down etc. But the 8th grade "graduation" ( again, it is a LEGAL requirement) must go on! I don't get it.

But if Michael wants to go to his next year, I will be there with bells on and camera flashing!

1 comment:

  1. We had a ceremony for eigth grade graduation, but it was in our school's backyard. No renting of a building in another town.
