Friday, October 8, 2010


It is my utmost pleasure to be mothering three terrific and a few part-time boys. I grew up with 5 brothers and often notice while I am driving with my sons, I am again surrounded by 5 males, sometimes more.

As a family therapist I am fascinated by familial patterns and our unconscious abilities to recreate our families of origin with those around us. I am equally pleased with my ability to also be different, in the here and now, with my own kids, and the off-spring of others. My house is the fun house, the house of plenty, plenty of Oreos, of  ice cream, of time for the kids, of laughter and advise, of respect and responsibility,  and of love. And that was what I had always wanted it to be.

My reasons for this blog are two-fold, one is, as a single mom I have no one particular person witnessing my life. Plenty of friends and dear people who have been  very intimately involved for periods of time, with whom memories are made and shared and treasured. But there is no one constant who will remember. This blog is my living journal of my parenting of my three sons.And you kind reader, if you please, shall be my witness. My second reason is because in my own psychotherapy practice I have been asked to share parenting knowledge, advice, and to write about topics we share in common and perhaps are not comfortable sharing in person, out loud, where we feel vulnerable. And alone.

 But we are not alone. I believe in  the Breakfast Club. I believe superficiality separates us.I believe fear and shame separate us. And I know loneliness is a plague,  with side effects of depression and anxiety.  I also know, "We are not alone, cause when you cut down to the bone, we're really not so different after all".

It is my hope reading this will also help someone feel less alone. Even if that someone is me sometimes.:-)
A huge thank you to Kate Mayer for helping me set this up after months of sitting on the title page! Check out Kate's blog at

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